Team 449 Practices to Follow
From Team 449 Wiki
To ensure its smooth operation and relationship with the Montgomery Blair High School Building, there are a number of practices which Team 449, should be sure to adhere to during all periods of its operation. This document outline some of these practices for reference and for posterity.
List of Practices
Use of the Buidling
1. On days of operation for which school is in session on the following day, all materials used by Team 449 in any part of the school must be returned to the appropriate place of storage before the end of the day.
2. On days of operation for which school is not in session on the following day, all materials used by Team 449 in any part of the school must be returned to Room 361 (Dr. Davis's room) before the end of the day.
Placement of Materials During Operation
1. Pieces of wood should not be placed such that they lean against a table. This is not a safe position; wood should be placed on top of tables, in safe locations on the floor, or non-obstructively on chairs.