YAML Robot Map (old)
From Team 449 Wiki
Although the reusable 'back end' of our team's robot code, i.e. the central repo, is written in Java, each individual robot essentially just comprises a single YAML file called the "robot map." (Or, alternatively, the map, the config file, the YAML file, etc.) It's basically one massive constructor for a robot, containing constructors for the objects that the robot contains. This setup allows us to quickly tweak individual parameters of the robot during testing, without even having to deploy any new Java code. A repository's map is usually found under src/main/resources/map.yml
Even after understanding maps in general, robot maps can appear long and intimidating when you first look at one. This page goes through how to read a typical robot map.
Top-level structure
The top-level structure of a robot map is as follows:
--- logger: ... defaultCommands: ... teleopStartupCommand: ... buttons: ... autoStartupCommand: ... updater: ...
Now we can look at each of these fields individually.
The logger creates a log of the robot's status over the course of a run. The logs can be used for later reference when debugging past runs. It looks something like this:
logger: '@id': logger eventLogFilename: "/home/lvuser/logs/eventLog-" telemetryLogFilename: "/home/lvuser/logs/telemetryLog-" loopTimeMillis: 100 loggables: - org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot...SomeClass: '@id': thing1 ... - org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot...SomeClass2: '@id': thing2 ... ...
An event log is mostly just a list of when each command was started and ended. A telemetry log is a list of many properties of the robot's composing objects (e.g. the position and velocity of the front-left drive motor), recorded once every loopTimeMillis
milliseconds. Event logs will be saved in /home/lvuser/logs
as eventLog-[datetime_of_run].csv
, and the telemetry logs work similarly. All Loggable
objects must be defined under the robot's logger's loggables
or they won't be logged, but these objects can be referenced by their ID later in the map.
Default commands
Some subsystems have a command that they need to be run by by default. For example, the drivetrain may be controlled by driver input by default, but during the middle of a match could be commanded to drive 5 feet forward autonomously. Once this command finishes, control of the drivetrain is automatically given back to the driver.
defaultCommands: - subsystem: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot...SomeSubsystem1: '@id': subsystem1 ... command: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot...SomeCommand1: '@id': command1 ... - subsystem: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot...SomeSubsystem2: '@id': subsystem2 ... command: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot...SomeCommand2: '@id': command2 ... ...
It's simply a list of subsystem-command pairs, where the command is the default command of the subsystem.
Teleop startup command
Simply the command that runs when teleop starts.
teleopStartupCommand: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot...SomeCommand: '@id': teleopStartupCommand ...
The joystick buttons and what command each will trigger.
buttons: - button: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot.oi.buttons.SimpleButton: '@id': button1 joystick: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot.jacksonWrappers.MappedJoystick: '@id': driverGamepad port: 1 buttonNumber: 1 command: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot...SomeCommand1: '@id': command1 ... action: WHEN_PRESSED - button: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot.oi.buttons.SimpleButton: '@id': button2 joystick: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot.jacksonWrappers.MappedJoystick: driverGamepad buttonNumber: 2 command: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot...SomeCommand2: '@id': command2 ... action: WHEN_RELEASED ...
To define a button, first you need to define the joystick it belongs to. Each joystick is defined by the USB port it belongs to. You can verify the USB port number of a plugged-in joystick by looking at the USB tab of FRC Driver Station. From there, you'll have to determine the button number of the button on Driver Station as well by pressing the button and counting from top to bottom which rectangle lit up. Be careful, as buttons are 1-indexed.
You also get to pick how the command will activate relative to the button: WHEN_PRESSED, WHILE_HELD, WHEN_RELEASED, TOGGLE_WHEN_PRESSED, or CANCEL_WHEN_PRESSED.
Auto startup command
Simply the command that runs when auto starts.
autoStartupCommand: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot...SomeCommand: '@id': autoStartupCommand ...
The updater updates any objects which are (i.e. implement) Updatable
. These are objects which contain values that change over time, like a joystick throttle or a gyroscope.
updater: org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot.other.Updater: '@id': updater updatables: - org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot...SomeClass1: someObject1 - org.usfirst.frc.team449.robot...SomeClass2: someObject2 ...
Generally these objects have already been defined earlier in the map, so they'll just be referenced by their IDs here.
See the map for our 2019 robot for an example.